How to Create & Keep Healthy Boundaries

Why Boundaries?

Many of you have seen my drawing of your Nervous System, your processing system, the point being that your nervous system is taking in HUNDREDS of inputs each day. Creating Healthy Boundaries is about reducing and limiting unnecessary stressful input, so you continue to feel and function at your best. 

It's helpful to Start by Identifying any Poor Boundaries:
Some common examples of this are:
- Feeling like a Slave to Social Media
- Always saying Yes, even when it's at a detriment to you
- Continuing to participate in relationships that are hurtful, harmful, or unfulfilling

Last week, we talked about how Vibration organizes water, and every cell and tissue of our bodies. 
The vibration of our nervous system is also responsible for organizing our Boundaries. 
When we give energy to our poor boundaries and respond exactly as we have in the past, we continue to create the same low frequency in our nervous system, which overtime means we feel less vibrant, & move away from our optimal expression. 

Once you've had the chance to Identify any areas of Poor Boundaries for yourself, you have the Opportunity to expand on how you would like to see yourself show up in that situation instead.
This is the beginning of the process of vibrationally creating new healthy boundaries. 
- For example, perhaps you would like to feel connected to your own authentic voice, less influenced by the outside world and media. 
- Perhaps you want to have the strength, courage and discernment to say "No" when it's best for your wellbeing. 
- Perhaps you would like all of your relationships to be with people who make you smile, laugh and grow. 

Once you have your new perspective, the real work begins by Rewiring the Response of your nervous system in each situation that follows.  What I mean by this is, I want you to begin thinking about each new experience from this moment forward as a "test" for you to show up as the person with your New Boundaries. You will pass the "test" by responding in a way that honors your new vibrational boundaries. 
Let's give you some examples:
- You realize you have the opportunity to go on your social media during your lunch break today. From your new vibrational frequency, you decide to take 10 minutes to journal and listen to your inner voice instead. 
- You get invited to support a co-worker, but you realize that you're best interest is to take some time for you tonight. You respond to your test by honoring your own needs and suggesting rescheduling with your co-worker. 
- You realize you are about to make plans out of habit with someone who doesn't respect you, instead you make yourself open to making new like-minded friends by going to a Meetup of your favorite hobby,

*You will create New Healthy Boundaries, by responding as the person who already embodies your New Boundaries, this creates new Neural Pathways and Patterns that serve you. On the other hand you will continue to create poor boundaries by reacting in the same way you have previously and not honoring your new needs. It can be easy to slip into old ways, no judgement when this happens, know that with time and practice it becomes natural and easy to maintain your New Healthy Boundaries. Think of each time a challenge comes up as a new opportunity to rewire your nervous system & create an Optimal Life. 

Neural Integration, the process I lead people through at Heart of Life, accelerates your process of creating new healthy boundaries and raising your overall vibration by helping to process and integrate built up stress of the past. Stress of the past is what most often causes us to REACT in old patterns instead of responding in new ways to our "test" situations that come up. When these old patterns integrate it becomes much easier to create New Healthy Boundaries.

As you continue to embrace this time and your inner work, I hope that you can find peace with where you are now, and excitement for where you are going. You are exactly where you need to be! I am always here to support and guide, please reply if you have questions. 

In love and vitality, 
Dr. Jessica Goyke


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