How to Increase Our Bandwidth to Handle More

I want to expand on this concept of Bandwidth we talk about at Heart of Life.

Bandwidth put simply is our capacity to take on life. We experience bandwidth physiologically (in our physical bodies), and neurologically (energetically, and in our relationship to our world).

Several of you have shared great examples of your Bandwidth Increasing in the past several weeks, and I want to share those here to expand on the concept. 

One of you shared with me that you've been able to take on intense exercise and recover more quickly and fully than previously. You're now able to take a 3-4 hour bike ride, a day of rest, and then get back out and move your body again. Whereas previously, that big of a feat took a toll on your body and required much more recovery time before being able to get back out there! What an amazing example of your physiological bandwidth increasing!

Another one of you shared that you are noticing your coworkers treat you differently, with more respect and kindness, out of nowhere! This is a powerful example of increasing your neurological bandwidth. What happens outside is a reflection of your nervous system bandwidth on the inside, increasing your bandwidth is resulting in more positive experiences with little to effort! Amazing.

Lastly, I had one of you share how much different life feels being out of constant "fight or flight."  You shared that you have a different relationship with your loved ones, that because of your nervous system is feeling more calm, you are actually more present and responsive versus reactive with your children. Wow, I'm so happy to hear, and what a great example of both your physiologic and neural bandwidth increasing. 

Now, how?! How to we actually increase our Bandwidth?

First and foremost, you must decide to do your part, decide to be consistent(remember last weeks email) to what it will take to get you there, remember the changes that will happen to not only your health and to your capacity to handle more but to actually ENJOY MORE OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL LIFE. 
Then, you must adopt TRUST that change is possible, and it is possible for you.

After you've made the choice & adopted trust,
explore some of my favorite tools and practices:

Neural Integration Adjustments:
This is our work at Heart of Life, I cannot express enough how powerful of shifts come from working with the root of everything, your nervous system. To receive support and guidance through this process is truly a game changer. 

Do New Things:
Adopt a student's mindset to try and learn new things always, break up with your comfort zone and do something different or challenging. Read or listen to new ideas. Doing new things means new neural synapses, which means growth!

Breathwork and Meditation:
Some of the most powerful and quick shifts I've experienced have come from this work. The idea is actively creating a changed state in your body and then basking in the new frequency. 

Celebrate Wins: You may not be where you WANT to be yet, but your choices and awareness MOVE you in the right direction. Looking back over your life, celebrate what you have achieved, how far you have come. Celebrate small action and alignment daily, and celebrate other people's wins - they are expanding your lens of what is possible!

Focus on Gratitude:
One of THE most powerful emotions, gratitude will shift your bandwidth, practice by focusing on all things you have and are grateful for from your home, to your shoes, to your opportunities. There is SO MUCH to be grateful for. 

Become Aware of your Shifts:
Becoming AWARE of your wins, of your gratitudes, of the change in how your view people and the world is the name of the game! Accepting your "stuff" will continue to come up and becoming aware of it quicker and quicker, and shifting to an empowered state is how you will continue to increase your capacity for growth and change.  

I hope that you can begin to find an open mind and heart to embrace and accept the challenges and to continue to grow your bandwidth and really receive the full opportunity out of your one beautiful life!

In gratitude and good health, 
Dr. Jessica Goyke


What's the one thing you're committed most to?


How to Create & Keep Healthy Boundaries