Nourishing sleep,
Sleep is when our system processes and integrates events of our day, regenerates, and rejuvenates the body and mind. We know the importance of it, but sometimes it can be helpful to initiate a fresh start, and to be intentional with this supportive natural rhythm.
Here are a few ways to set yourself up for nourishing sleep:
spend time outside in the morning, during lunch, and evening when possible, these increments of sunlight on your eyes helps set your circadian rhythm which will help make you ready for sleep when it comes.
if you're depleted, nap! 20-minute naps are brief and often refreshing because we do not enter deeper sleep cycles. Some folks will benefit from longer naps if they're missing sleep at night, hello mamas! If you're having trouble with feeling tired at night, skip the nap to feel more ready for rest at night.
having a wind-down ritual in itself is restorative, before you switch to wind-down journal out about the important tasks you have for the next day, prep kid's lunches, etc so that your mental load is reduced.
anywhere from 1-2 hours before bed, turn away from technology, and connect with loved ones, read a book, enjoy a cup or tea, or take a warm bath as part of your wind-down ritual.
for sleep, keep your bedroom dark, cooler in temperature, and leave the phones in another room.
you may find that using an eye mask, a restful meditation, or supportive pillows will help you find the most ease and comfort, let your bed be your nest where you are fully supported and all the days work is done.
for most, aiming to fall asleep between 9pm-11pm and sleeping for 6-8 hours is restorative.
If you wake up in the night, try to resist checking the clock. Can you instead allow yourself to maintain a relaxed state, perhaps listen to a relaxing meditation or focus on gratitude while you fall back asleep?
Interesting sleep tidbits:
-body rejuvenation happens in the first half of your nightly slumber, whereas mental rejuvenation happens in the latter half of your night.
-sleeping in a position that allows your spine to maintain alignment (think: flat on your back with a knee pillow, or on your side with a pillow that keeps your neck and a knee pillow that keeps your pelvis aligned) allows for even more somatic waves to pass through and regenerate tissues, and can have a positive impact on your posture during the day.
Rest well tonight x
With love & appreciation,
Dr. Jessica