The tip of the the iceberg, 

Sometimes we think we know what rest and relaxation is but actually there are deeper layers of peace to discover. 

Just as there's a tip of the iceberg to our traumas/challenges (so much lives beneath the surface stored in the tissues and the subconscious) there's also a tip of the iceberg to our peace, joy, and contentment.

There comes a point when we recognize there's more to be lived, felt, and experienced than pain and struggle, or just getting by. There are greater levels of love, abundance, vitality and they're not outside of us, but actually accessed from within.

Surfacing more of the iceberg takes a slowing down, patience, trust, commitment, and often moving through new or challenging spaces. 

It's sometimes a little easier with someone who knows the path, has been there, won't judge you, and a willingness to receive their support. 

Here a few reflection questions to embrace your "iceberg:"
What has surfaced this year because of my healing?

What more would I like to feel, experience, live?

What part of surfacing do I struggle with? Slowing down, trust, patience, commitment?

What's wanting to surface from within you in 2025?

January weekend immersion- Journey to Optimal
If this concept of you've only experienced the tip of the iceberg intrigues you - you may wish to join our half day experience with an intimate group of four wonderful folks where we will dive more into nervous system integration, and rewiring our response for optimal. In this nourishing, slow, spacious workshop we combine body work (integration sessions, yes a series of them in the same day, to deepen the unwiring of the familiar and rewiring of optimal) and space to explore the deep layers of wisdom and insight your body holds, combining the two to rejuvenate your senses, activate deep healing, and open your perception system to truly live from your new reality. 
Date: Saturday, 1/11 from 1-4pm
Location: Heart of Life
*Because there will be a very limited availability of space for this opportunity, please save your spot here. 
Current clients, send me a reply to this email for a 15% off code, while spots are available.

With love & gratitude, 

Dr. Jessica


Rest, reflection, and renewal with simple, restorative habits


Obstacles lead the way 💜