The 80/20 Rule!
Remember that 80/20 Rule?!
I'm going to guess because you are reading this you are either on a health-focused journey or always striving to improve yourself as a person. With that in mind, you may get into a rut of thinking you are aiming to be perfect in these areas. This is simply not true!
You are meant to enjoy life's experiences, this is why I live and teach about the human body's resilience. The 80/20 Principe works for most to allow for a healthy mind/body relationship with our food.
A brief description: 80% of the time fuel your body with health-FULL nutrient and mineral rich foods, AKA lots of plants and vegetables! 20% of the time allow yourself to enjoy experiences with absolutely no guilt or shame. This does not include abusing your body, if you have an allergy or serious healing journey, but rather enjoying your version of pleasure, a "healthy" modified version or not, once in a while! If you are not yet aware, your body is far beyond just physical, this 80/20 rule allows for optimal mental and emotional health.
How to do it wrong: I used to eat something I thought was "bad" and have story that "I am going to breakout because I ate this" or assure myself that "I worked out so I deserve this" - these thoughts continued my cycle of guilt and shame for many years. I also used to find myself judging others for eating "bad" foods, because I couldn't eat them without feeling bad - this did nothing but hurt myself, as judgment is a rather toxic thought that if held onto for a long period of time causes your biology to release hormones and neurotransmitters that breakdown cells and tissues. Thankfully, these are stories of the past with the 80/20 rule!
Play with it: Some will feel more aligned with 90/10 or 70/30, the goal is to give yourself permission to be both optimizing AND experiencing your beautiful life!